Het faillissement van Perini Navi is een flinke klap voor de superjachtbouw in Italië. De werf was beroemd om zijn enorme en luxe schepen, maar met een verlies van meer dan €100 miljoen is het moeilijk om te blijven drijven. Een volledige liquidatie van het bedrijf zou zorgen voor afbetaling van schulden, maar dan blijven zowel klanten als personeel met lege handen achter.
Ferretti en Sanlorenzo zien kansen voor twee van de werven van Perini. Ze willen daarvoor een nieuw bedrijf opzetten om de hele tent over te nemen. Deze NewCo wil de handelsmerken en werven en andere assets overnemen. Daarmee willen ze voorkomen dat het bedrijf stilvalt en dan helemaal niets meer waard is. Het kan ook zorgen voor behoud van werkgelegenheid voor de werknemers.
"This is an important day for the Italian yachting industry, for the employees of Perini Navi and for their families, ensuring in this way that their passion, experience and unique skills will continue to be protected. As will the Perini Navi supply chain, which is made up of numerous suppliers who will be reassured and whose peace of mind will be restored by today’s safeguards,” aldus Ferretti Group CEO Alberto Galassi. “At Ferretti Group we are always on the lookout for excellence and capabilities to integrate with our own. And often we find them in Italy, as is the case today. We are confident our commitment will translate into further growth that benefits the local area and raises the profile of the Italian yacht industry still further. I would also like to emphasise the historical importance of the alliance with Sanlorenzo, reflecting the new spirit of collaboration sweeping through Italy: a positive broadening of our horizons that will let us seize even more opportunities and deliver even more success."
“I began my professional career in the yacht industry in Viareggio, in the same place and year in which Perini Navi was starting life a short distance away,” aldus Sanlorenzo Executive Chairman Massimo Perotti. “That was back in 1983 and since then I’ve always had great admiration for the business model adopted by this remarkable brand: boats with outstanding qualities, built exclusively to order for a limited number of expert owners and connoisseurs. These are the same unique features I found years later in Sanlorenzo. Because of these similarities and with a strong determination to rescue an Italian brand with an unparalleled history, in the interests of the local area, all stakeholders and first and foremost employees and suppliers, I have from the outset confirmed the willingness of Sanlorenzo to contribute to the brand’s relaunch. Today I am pleased to be able to do so jointly with Ferretti Group. It is an alliance of historic importance for our industry, one which I am convinced will continue to develop and set an example for other initiatives aimed at strengthening our world leadership in this sector”.